Well, I had a quieter weekend planned, but somehow things got a bit out of hand. I’m still looking for the best balance for me in terms of quiet time vs. social time. I did have some wonderful experiences, though!
We had a Full Moon circle by our friends’ lovely fire pit on Friday night. Did you see that amazing Pink Full Moon? Wow! On Saturday we had a fun potluck with my extended family, then played D&D with some friends. We had homemade curry and naan for dinner, and lit our own fire in the backyard. Today BlackLion and I had a photo shoot with his Mom, who is an awesome photographer. We’ll be putting them up on our website and in our newsletter soon. That was followed immediately by band practice. So after I write this update, I’m off to bed for some R&R (reading and rest). Good night!
I did manage to squeeze in some writing time this weekend, in the mornings. My weekly total is thus 2151 words on the Cultivating Self-Love e-book.
Also, I’ve been working on a couple of projects for my publisher, Moon Books. I have a guest blog post due this week, as well as a short piece for a book of essays. Fun projects!
I haven’t been posting on my own blogs, aside from updates here, and I really want to get back to regular posting.
We once again promoted our conference-related special offer for Feline Dreamers, which ends this Tuesday. No takers thus far, but I’m hopeful. A friend of ours who is an outspoken unschooling advocate offered to spread the word about us to all his Facebook pages and friends, so we wrote up a blurb about Feline Dreamers for him to share. So cool of him to do this for us!
I received some interesting mail this week, with a Royal Mail stamp on it. An article I wrote was published in Pagan Dawn quarterly magazine, and they sent me a copy. A great way to get the word out about my book. I hope to write for them again.
I really need to call the bookstore lady this week about setting up a signing and reading! Note to self: just do it.
Wellness and Practice
My daily writing and dancing practices are both going super well. I’ve continued to keep up with my drumming practice, too. It feels great. I took a couple of walks this week, as well, so that’s been good.
Yoga hasn’t happened lately. I have been enjoying sacred space, though – the Full Moon circle was lovely.