It’s Sunday, and thus time to check in on progress towards my goals this week. Happy holiday to those of you celebrating today! We attended a family potluck this afternoon with lots of laughter and delicious food. I’m blessed with a terrific family, including of course the sweet four-legged members.
I’m well contented with my progress this week. I’ve finished my first read-through of our NaNo novel, making comments for our revision work. I feel like it’s a good story, and will be even better with some tweaking. I had fun reading it, which is a good sign, right? BlackLion is still working on his read-through.
Happy to report that I’m still up to date on blogging, and have been getting more interest and positive feedback on both my Feline Dreamers and Starcat’s Corner blog posts. I’m thinking and hoping that one of these days, a post will “go viral.” I’m ready!
We’re releasing a brief survey tonight, to ask our readers what they’d like to read next in our Inspired Living series of e-books (the first one was Cultivating Self-Love: Your Path to Wholeness). We listed 5 choices of topics, ones we’d come up with when we did our planning for 2014, and then gave them an “other” box in which to add ideas of their own. Once we’ve gathered the results, I’ll start outlining the next e-book. I’m excited to immerse myself in a new writing project!
In the meantime, I have a bunch of loose ends and little projects I want to work on this week. I should have some time to devote to my desk-decluttering project. I need to finish reading a couple of books so I can write reviews of them. I promised a couple of author friends that I’d share some of the writing and marketing resources I’ve been learning about, so I’m planning to start a page for that on this blog. Various other odds and ends will hopefully be checked off my list, and I have some work shifts at the radio station as well.
Next week I’ll start in earnest on the new e-book, and hopefully BlackLion and I will begin the next stage of our revisions by beginning of May. That’s all the news I have at the moment. Have a fun week, and enjoy those leftover chocolates and jelly beans!