Round 2: Getting Organized

I’ve been thinking about the first ROW 80 round and the things I didn’t accomplish. I’m not beating myself up about it, just reflecting on the things that didn’t happen and pondering the causes. What’s missing, I believe, is a system for organizing my creative work.

My Word of the Year for 2014 is ENJOY. I’ve been learning to go with the flow in my life and focus more on being in the moment. So you wouldn’t think I’d be looking for another layer of planning. But I am. Why? Because the way things are now, my true creative priorities seem to get shuffled aside regularly. Not cool.

Currently I keep a small notebook with a page for each day, which includes the things I have to do outside the house (like kid sports practices, my part-time work at the radio station, and social gatherings), reminders about my wellness practices, and a list of things I want to accomplish that day (including chores and errands as well as creative tasks). As part of going with the flow, things that don’t get done are simply forwarded to the next day.

The challenge is that things that don’t have particular deadlines, like my personal creative projects, get endlessly forwarded on. The things that get done first are appointments with a time attached to them and tasks that stare me in the face, like a pile of laundry or a sink full of dishes. Yes, those things are important, but they shouldn’t be of higher priority than my personal creativity and spirituality.

So this round I’m going to try something new, setting aside regular time for my writing work and wellness practices. I know myself and my tendency to rebel at strict schedules, so that’s not my approach. Instead I’m going to create a flexible outline, customized for each week, that will hopefully help me focus. It will encourage both fun and productivity. This week is a good time to start, as I have a bit of a lull in my part-time work outside the home and can get going on this new plan. Wish me luck!

Here are my goals for ROW 80 Round 2:


Create and implement a loose daily and weekly schedule for my writing work and wellness practices. Look over the plan at the beginning of each week and adjust it based on other commitments on my calendar.

Make weekly and/or monthly outlines for all my blog posts, with both content and posting schedule. Write and schedule posts ahead of time when possible. Include ideas for pictures and images.

De-clutter my desk, bookshelves, and filing cabinets. This includes Quester’s creation of a new bookshelf in the upstairs hallway. Make the space more user-friendly so I’m more likely to use it.


In collaboration with BlackLion, edit, revise and polish our NaNoWriMo novel,The Door Is the Key. Have it ready for beta readers by the end of the Round.

Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least 3 times per week, and on this blog at least 2 times per week.

Write and edit at least three guest blog posts and have them posted.

Choose my next book project and outline it. If it’s fiction, read Rock Your Plot and begin plotting.

Learning and Sharing

Continue learning about ethical marketing and promotion. Read at least 3 books on this subject.

Promote and sell more copies of both of my existing books. Use new techniques I’m learning as well as ones I already know about. This includes posting excerpts of my books, trading book reviews with other authors, and asking readers for Amazon reviews.

Explore creating a hard-copy version of Cultivating Self-Love. Look into CreateSpace and other options.

Practicing Wellness

Enjoy my life and go with the flow.

Continue with my five main spiritual and creative practices: journal writing, yoga, drumming, dancing, and gratitude.

Eat well. This means eating healthy vegan foods, avoiding sugar and junk foods, and drinking plenty of water.

Get more time outdoors on a regular basis.



Filed under ROW 80

3 Responses to Round 2: Getting Organized

  1. Pingback: In Which I Get More Organized… | Starcat's Writing Desk

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